Heart Catheterization ( Postet wayyy to late!! So Sorry)
I had finished writing the post the day of the Heart Cath.... but i somehow managed to deleted all ,i rewrote it and just realized i never posted it!! OOppss
Nadia's Heart cath went really well... She was in the best mood that morning..she was singing the Patty Cake song on the car ride there, clapping her hands while singing " Patty Pat" over and over... but u can't really get sick of it ...it sounds so beautiful coming out of her mouth..
They gave Nadia some "Happy" drugs before taking her to the OR.... she started to sing again
"Daddy..dadddyyy..daaaaaa" then she wanted to give out hugs and asked for her Doll that she now calls "Baby"...we couldn't help but laugh at our little "drunk" girl... it was time to take her, of course i couldn't help it anymore and stared to tear up
The Drugs defiantly helped because she waved at us and said "bye bye" with a smile on her face.
I love love love the Vandy staff..they are so nice and so thorough that, by the time they took Nadia back, we had no questions or doubt in the ability's.
We had/have complete trust in them. I think i really appreciate this the most about the Hospital.
About a couple hours later Dr.Doyle came and talked to us with a smile on his face.
He was more then pleased about her Heart & Lung functions. The only thing that he mentioned was that she had a collateral artery that they might have to block off either at the Fontan surgery or after... but according to him no big deal.
We got to see her shortly after... she was pretty much sleeping the wohle time.
A week and a half ago i had weened her off her pacifier, but i thought i bring them with me just in case ......soo soo soo glad i did!
Every time she woke up and started to cry i gave her the Paci and everything was good again.
Her eyes where a little puffy but that was about it.
She slept so long that she stayed up allllll night wanting to play ;)
We were discharged at 8 am and got to go Home... Life is good
I am incredibly lucky to have such a sweet, sunny & strong little Girl
A day after the cath
Justin celebrated his Birthday early at school :)
Her Baby
Her eyes were a little puffy...it looks like she had her eyes closed in every picture
Sweet Baby
Daddy's Girl....:)
right before they took her
waiting in the waiting room