I know i have not posted much on Nadia in the past couple of month. I don't know what was with me lately.. every time i started to write, my brain would just go blank! Well, glad i am have my Brain back!
I am happy to post that ever thing is going so well with her/us! She i just growing and moving right along! We had her 12 month check up at 15 month old today.. Because of all the surgery's we got 3 month behind on them.
Between May and middle of July, Nadia had not gained anything.. actually she had lost 5 ounces when we came in for a mild ear infection . Weight gain is a big issue with heart children .. but because Nadia's last Cardio check up went so well, i was sure that it had nothing to do with her heart.. (if the heart is sick or enlarged, it pumps harder, hard pumping heart = burning more calories= no weight gain) got it ?? :)
I did switch from Similac toddler go & grow, to whole milk that i mix with Carnation milk for the calorie intake she is suppose to get.. it did not work out so well for her, because Nadia would drink less ( don't blame her.. it's yuk! ) and i am guessing that it has allot to do, as for why Nadia did no gain anything, so i switched back to go & grow.. and oh look Nadia is drinking 6-8 ounces at a time again! I also started to feed her table food, healthy fatty foods, and i think that made a big difference.. she gained a whole Pound in 3 weeks .. see momma knows best! I always follow my instinct and i am so glad i do !
She got a few vaccine's today..of course she wasn't to happy about it! Besides that, the visit went pretty well! '
Nadia's new favorite word's are "yes".." daddy" ..."mom" & ..."Jiiiii" for Justin! Haa she jibber jabbers allot besides these few words.
She started to climb our stairs, couches & beds and knows how to get off the bed & couch but the stairs she didn't quit figure out yet :)
Give Nadia a couple sheets of paper and u got the girl busy for at least 30 min! Haa it's too cute! She also loves Micky mouse club house.. she sings and dances along!
Nadia is defiantly a girlie girl... yet, she is tough as 5 boys put together.... i can see kick some behind in the future.. don't mess with her y'all!
She loves her two dolls and she would fight u for them! :))
Her favorite foods are any Arabic dish, that include rice, veggies & meat... :) she can not get enough of tomato's, strawberry's & grapes....just keep them coming!
I think these are the newest news about Nadia.. :)
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