Friday, July 8, 2011

My Daddy

Justin is spending allot of time with his daddy lately, which unfortunately doesn't happen as often as he or Tommy would like.
By the time Tommy gets home, which is most of the time around 9.00pm, Justin is in his pj's ready to go to bed..
Tommy works allot.. during holidays, i sometimes don't get to see him at all for weeks.. we luckily do get to see him more often during the summer.

I am so thankful for his hard work though, i took us this long to get where we are right now.. we had a rough financial start and now i get to stay home with my Babies. Thank God

I think, that with everything that we have been threw in the almost 7 yeas we have been married, it made us stronger, respect and love each other more then ever.
I would lie though, if i didn't think that Nadia's heart got us closer together then ever, situations like this either make u or break u ! I really believe this !
We make a great Team :).....I am so lucky!

Anyway:) ...Justin told me this morning, out of no where, why he loves his daddy.. so i need to share before i for get, it was just the cutest thing!
" i love my daddy because he takes me to the movies when i ask him too"
" i love my daddy because he gets me a slushy when i don't feel good"
" i love my daddy because he loves me the most, and i love him the most" lool
(thanks Justin)
" i love my daddy because he is really, really funny and makes me laugh"
" i love my daddy because he took me to ihop yesterday"
" i love my daddy because he fixed my bike"
" i love my daddy because he buys me cool things for kids"
" i love my daddy because he always gives me second chances when i am bad" ( then he asked me.. why don't u give me second chances mom..u ground me right away!!!) lool

Then he just said " Yup, that's all..i just love him so much " :))

It was just the sweetest thing i have ever heard !

that looks complicated
nadia's turn

Let's do this
someone is nosy ....:)
love her pigtails
It was a little hard walking on wood chips

too funny
Justin kept saying " Dad..i trust u don't let go ." lool

ready to play
she loves the swing
nadia is telling daddy a story
they are always like this... u see how lucky i am :))

Petty Face

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