Thursday, September 29, 2011


Don't know were to begin!!
I have been really busy with Doctors appointments, home, kids and just everyday life.
Nadia obviouly recovered well from her last visit at the Hospital and is as Happy and Healthy as she can be :)
We had her Audiology appointment a couple of weeks ago... guess what??
Nadia can hear perfectly fine... no damage, hearing loss whats so ever. You can't imagine how happy this made me! The Audiologist who was so sweet with Nadia ( she didn't shed a tear) told me that there is not even one little thing she is concerned about and wants to see Nadia after her Fontan again.

This weekend is the Heart walk in Nashville to raise awareness for CHD. I am so excited to be part of this Years " Little Heart Heroes" Group that i believe Catherine & Becca started.
( Correct me if i am wrong :))
Please help me reach my Goal of 500 Dollars in Honor of my sweet baby girl Nadia. Resarch has done so much already....have u heard about the "Berlin Heart" take a few minutes to ready about it who knows what they can do in 10 - 20 years for children like Nadia or even Nadia herself . Every contribute counts !

We also had a Cardiology appointment since my last Post.. which went really well.... Dr.Kavanaugh couldn't have been any happier with her! We discussed the Heart catheterization and she felt it's best we do it before flue season starts. Shortly after, we made an appointment!(Oct.6th) Umm ....ya, ever sense i have been an emotional mess!
It has been worse on me then the last cath.. what comforted me most last time, was that Nadia didn't understand what was going on.
At age 5 month she didn't know the difference between mom holding her or a nurse holding her.... I get really upset thinking about the fact, that know she will understand the difference and she might get upset... no she WILL get upset! Ugghh !
I am trying really hard distract myself by not talking or writing about it... i keep my self busy...i am trying to anyway!
Time flies by way to fast....doesn't it? Before i know it, the Fontan will be tomorrow. Oh Boy ... !
I am so ready for Nadia to be on the other side of this Journey....i can't wait to bring her home in her " I am a survivor " T shirt !!
Once again I am asking Family, Friends & Strangers to keep my little Girl in their Prayers!

Thank you for stopping by :))

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My smart Big Boy Justin

Justin started Kindergarten at the end of August and has been doing very well so far!
I am one lucky momma because i have one bright little/big boy! Thank God.. His Teacher is really sweet and it is funny, because her and his PreK Teacher went to school with his uncle Hanna.The world is so small!

Kindergarten now is not what it used to be! I remember that i played allot, sang songs & drew Pictures....that was it... Justin is learning how to read and write already...the first week of school he had to learn a Nursery Rhyme and dress up for it. He choose to do " The Lion and the Unicorn" Rhyme.. he had fun helping me with his costume and it only took him an half and hour to remember it... I am so proud of him! He also lost his first tooth in this week which was so exciting.. well... i did help him a little getting it out... had the Camera ready to capture his reaction.. it was truly priceless. He insisted to stay up so he could ask the Tooth fairy some questions ..but ended up falling asleep...:) He found two whole Dollars under his Pillow in the morning and was so excited... he is saving up for a a Nintendo Dsi ;))
Justin is the Youngest in his Soccer Team and tries to keep up with them.. he does really well on his Practice but at the games he is usually put on defense and wouldn't move.. when i ask his why in Gods name he is just standing there like a big heavy tree he says " MOM! The Coach says DON'T move!!" Loool oh boy! He is doing the best he can and i am sure he will get better at it :))
I am just Glad he is having fun and he really likes his Team mates which is really Important to us~ :)

First day of his Soccer Practice
He woke up, finding two Dollars under his Pillow! Justin though he had hit the Lottery loool
Ms. Stacy & Justin on his first day of school :)
Ready Buddy ? That was his answer for me...Once he was in his classroom he didn't even look back.. he is growing up soo fast!