Monday, October 4, 2010

Surgery date has changed

It has been a CRAZY CRAZY week for us!! I feel like writing Similac a nasty letter but that would be out of my character.. and the sad thing is that i probably will have to go back to it once they reproduce it !
Nadia got her 4 months shots on Monday while still on the Good Start. The Good Start Formula made her really gassy and irritable! Those few nights she was on it plus her vaccination were a mix of pure Hell!! She would wake up every 15 min just crying and screaming... real tears rolling down her checks !! I felt so helpless.. all i could do is cry with her!

After just getting a total of maybe 2 hours of sleep.... her fuzziness continued.... i started to think this can't be normal put her clothes on rushed her into her car and was on my way to the hospital when i got a call from the cardiologist nurse..she calmed me down and told me that if she is just fuzzy and not having any other symptoms to take her to our pediatrician otherwise i would have to go to the ER and she really didn't want her to hang out there if it's not a "real" Emergency.. so i called her pediatrician and luckily they could see me right away!
Meanwhile Nadia fell asleep in the car .. she loves being in the car.. i should have took her for a ride in the car that night!!
Her Pediatrician assured me that it had nothing to to with her Heart or Lungs ( all i wanted to hear ) and advised me to get some gas drops and change her Formula.. those Organic gas-drops really did the job and only have the simple ingredients of Chamomile and Ginger.. I love it!!

The concentrated Similac was just straight up nasty it made her gag just smelling it.. and i kinda felt the same way!! So now we are on Enfamil and so far so good... a couple of days ago she started to eat some by mouth again ....Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!

Today we had Nadia's Pre Op appointment ... Weight ( 14 pounds) Hight (24 inches) EKG, Chest X.ray. & drawing blood... which was hell again.. i couldn't watch!! Nadia's Surgery got pushed to Wednesday the 6th ....I am not sure why it was changed... apparently they tried to call me several times but my home phone wasn't working right yet because we switched Company's and my cell doesn't work at home ..I Seriously hate Phones!!
Anyway.. they kept apologizing that it's last minute even though it was kind of my fold and they really just doing me a Hugh favor anyway!
It's funny i told Tommy just yesterday that i wished the Surgery was on Wednesday.. he just looked at me funny like it would make a difference! But i guess i wanted one more "Relaxed" day with Nadia!
Talking to Dr. Bichell felt good.. he is such a great Doctor.. God bless his Hands !!
I have a good feeling about her Surgery.. she will do just fine! I know she will!
I am extremely Scared but not so nervous yet... does that make sense?? I am trying to stay Poitive and calm not to drive my self and everyone around me Crazy!

I probably walk by Justin's room 100 times a day.. but yesterday the picture of my mom holding justin on his first Christmas catch my eye .. i think you can tell a lot about my Mother by the way she is looking at Justin.. it is such a Beautiful Picture!
I get very emotional when i think about her.. especially the last few weeks i just wished she was still here.. i know things would be a lot easier for me... i miss her voice and just seeing her Face again...she always knew what to say and how to make me feel better!!

Keep you Updated

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