Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lots to say

Tube In..Tube Out.....Tube In Tube Out.. i could go on and on.
Did i mentioned how much i hate the Similac company???
Anyway Miss Nadosche (as we like to call her) had lost one once last Wednesday.... which her pediatrician said was pretty common when babies get sick they tend to loose a little... but he wanted her to gain everything back within a week.
We had an appointment yesterday and as expected she gained and made up for two weeks... she is almost 15 pounds now..little chunky monkey for sure!!
Some days she likes to eat by mouth..and some days she doesn't... some days she spits up a lot... some days she doesn't at all... So it is a never ending roller coaster and i am starting to get dizzy... i am just hoping this all gets petter after surgery i am sick of seeing the Tube and putting back in... she is aware now of what i am about to do and when she sees the Tube she makes the cutest puppy face u have ever seen and wants to cry.. so it is really really hard for me lately to put it back in!! You can only imagine!!

Nadia's favorites foods are.. formula with oatmeal... homemade foods like .. mashed apples with oatmeal, mashed Bananas mixed with a fresh orange juice and yellow squash.
Sometimes i let her have a tiny bit of my home cooked meal.. she LOVEEEES Hummus (Arabic chickpeas past) and Cali flower & Broccoli but not much.. i am not sure if her stomach can handle those types of foods plus it can make her bloated!
She hates sweet peas, rice cereal and carrots! I feel that Nadia has grown and developed so much in the last couple of weeks even in the past week.. she is much more aware of things around her.. She loves her Daddy way more then me ....when she sees him coming she gets soooo excited she never did that before...she laugh out loud alll the time now..reaches out to toys when they in front of her.. rolls from side to side while holding her feet.. doesn't roll all the way over yet!
She wants to put everything in her mouth including her feet... I Love to watch her play with her hands, feet and her Toys!

Do you wonder how i am holding up? Well i am ok.... i guess... one hour i am fine the next hour i find my self crying while doing Laundry.. i am so ready to get it over with and bring her home again..
Some People around us are still very annoying and nonsensitive .
In the situation that we are in you happen to find the Ugly Truth about People and who they are as a person...!
I manage to avoid most of these people but i am not always that lucky !
I had a "Friend" call me not to long ago telling me that a woman who's son once liked me said after she found out about Nadia's Heart condition that she is GLAD we didn't ended up together...because apparently i caused her heart defect.. who knows what she was thinking when she said that.... Real nice don't you think??
Just for your Info if you ever read my Blog.. we didn't end up together because your son was a Jerk and may i mention... not very attractive either.... Shame on you!!
Anyone can have a Baby with a Heart was not my choice to have a heart baby!
I am going to end this Post with a message for all the People who don't think before they open their mouth..." I am going to pray for u tonight "

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