Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Dear Friends and Family,i know i haven't updated my blog or charged my cell phone for the past 4 days and I'm really sorry!!!
We are still at the hospital ... hopefully only for one more night.. if Nadia's Lab work doesn't show any changes we will be discharged tomorrow morning.. And i know i should be happy about going home and being with Tommy, Justin and Nadia.. but i'am extremely nervous about going home without any nurses standing just outside my door and monitors telling me how high Nadia's oz is.
There is so much i had to learn about Nadias care at home, like how to recognize early symptoms of an bacterial infection or god forbid heart failure..it makes me shake just thinking about it...even simple things like giving her, her meds or how to put the feeding tube back in if it comes out..its just so scary !!!!!!!
Every Mother knows how hard it is to take care of a newborn .. but its harder to have a "sick" newborn to take care of...!

My sweet Nadia is continuing to do well.. her nurse calls her "a trouper"... she surprised everyone with her appetite .. shes been eating so well... she started with 8 - 10 ml bold feeds and had the feeding tube running 17 ml an hour for the first couple of days ..but she continued to do so good that they decided to stop her continues feeds which is the machine that continues to drop little by little threw the feeding tube into her stomach and feed her bold feeds by mouth... what ever she doesn't finish she gets threw the feeding tube and that's not much.. maybe 10 ml each feed..she even gained a little bit... iam so proud of her but not surprised.. you cant for get Nadia is Arabic and Arabs Lovveee to eat and we don't skip meals =))!!!!
They think she will only need the feeding tube for maybe 2- 4 more weeks! Yay

I have to say... it is very depressing being 24 hours at the hospital...you see and hear so many sad things....A couple that joined the CHD meeting this past week lost their baby just a few days ago she had HLHS .. My heart goes out them and may god gives them all the strength they need..
for anyone who wants to learn more about HRHS this web site is pretty easy to understand..


  1. So excited to hear yall may be going home tomorrow. Maybe Becca and I can come visit soon. I remember how NERVOUS I was about taking Cain home. The last day or two before being discharged was a blur. I remember the nurses throwing so much information too me so fast. I remember thinking...how in the world will we survive. Thankfully somehow you do! Just remember Becca and me are only a phone call away if you need anything at all. I remember trying to figure out the feeding pump every night and being confused all the time but somehow we did it correctly. I made a few messes with the feeds but nothing that couldn't be wiped up. Hang in there. My heart breaks for the family who lost their child. That makes me so sad.

  2. When you take her home...

    put a bottle of hand sanitizer by the front and back door. Make every person who enters the house (including family members) sanitize first just like they do at the hospital. Also, ask each person who comes to the house if they are sick BEFORE letting them inside.

    I wish we had done this from the start. My baby was back in the hospital 14 days after her first discharge because she caught a cold from one of her visitors at home.

    We make everyone sanitize their hands now. It's better to be a little rude than to be back in the hospital...and people are very understanding about it.

  3. Thank you Cathrine... its good to know that i have you guys to ask!!

    @Rainsplats... i know i am already really overprotecting.. and i already made some people mad but i really don't care.. some people either don't understand the importance of it or simply just don't care!! But thanks for your Post i will have to show that to some people so they can take me seriously !!!
